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911 Message For Americans, Hero's, & Especially Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones In The Terrorist Attacks Against Our Country,and Our Way Of Life. "God Bless America" & Those Who Are Now In Harms Way To Defend Her!

Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers to all of you who lost relatives and friends in the attack on the "World Trade Center".

Thank You! One and all who continue to risk your own lives in the aftermath. Firefighters, police officers, and everyone who has given of themselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Those of us who have survived this horrible act of meaningless aggression by cowardly terrorist; must never forget those who were lost. We must all now be steadfast in the common purpose of ridding the world of terrorist once and for all. We must continue to be vigilant and ensure that an attrocity like this can never again be inflicted upon innocent people.

We must also rid our country of internal terrorist organizations.

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